Sending Your Friend Off To Marriage
Are you a best man trying to plan a Bachelor’s Party? The tradition of a bachelor’s party goes back to the ancient Spartans when soldiers would get together and toast each other on the eve of a man’s wedding. In more recent times, the event has become wilder and the best man has a lot of planning duties to do.
There are many kinds of bachelor’s party. These events are also known as stag parties or stag nights in the United Kingdom and New Zealand, Bull’s Party in South Africa, and Buck’s Night in Australia. So, the events are a world wide phenomena.
Sometimes the bachelor’s party is a low key affair involving a good barbeque at someone’s home or a restaurant at a steak restaurant. These are events where men can bond – something they don’t do easily.
Usually these events include a lot of drinking and mild ribbing to the groom. The idea that the groom is taking on a “ball and chain” or giving up his freedom is often the subject of the jokes.
But, when you say “bachelor’s party” one word comes immediately to mind – strippers! Whether it is inviting a single stripper to a home party or going to a gentlemen’s club, semi-naked women are de rigor for bachelor parties.
Additionally, more bachelor’s parties are taking place as destination events. Las Vegas is the most popular spot for a weekend bachelor’s party because of the casinos and “mainstream” topless revues. There are a number of Las Vegas companies that include drivers, hosts, and admissions to two or more of Las Vegas’ popular strip joints.
Miami, New Orleans, and Chicago are also popular destinations in the United States. Canadian cities are catching on because they have more liberal views of what can happen at a strip club. Montreal is a popular destination for Americans and Canadians alike.
But, a destination can also revolve around active pursuits. Taking your buddy to a golf course he’s always dreamed of playing on, going sports fishing in Cabo San Lucas, or even going to major spectator sports like the Super Bowl can make for a memorable bachelor’s party.
Sometimes a bachelor’s party is a “surprise” event for the groom. He knows only the date and time. All of the details are left to the best man and the friends. Other times, a groom works with the planner’s to make sure that there are no unwelcome events.
It can also help to get the bride involved to a limited extent. This can help for two reasons. If there are logistical details (such as getting the groom packed for a surprise weekend away) the bride can often help. But, you don’t want your buddy to get in trouble with his wife to be right before the wedding, so her input can save a lot of trouble.
Whatever you do, if there is drinking involved, make sure you arrange transportation for the whole party. Limos are often cheaper than taxis when you have six or more people in the party. Keep in mind that the Spartan’s didn’t have drinking and driving laws when they toasted their friend, but we do. There’s no worse way to end a bachelor’s party than to have the best man – or the groom – in the drunk tank on the day of the wedding.