Do you need dating advice for men from women on how to be romantic with your girlfriend? In the beginning of a relationship everything seems to come so easily. Everything is candlelight and roses and you can do no wrong. How do you keep things interesting and romantic for the long haul though?
If you do not have a clue then keep reading. You definitely need some dating advice for men from women. If the candlelight turned into a 100 watt bulb in a lamp and the roses dried up and died and you can’t figure out what happened you do need some good advice.
She is probably wondering what the heck happened as well, so the best thing you could do is try to get the romance back into your relationship. Women love to be romanced and even some men do, too. Something as simple as sending her flowers at work will help. She will be flattered and the women she works with will be jealous. Make the card attach send with them sound romantic and mysterious.
If you have a key to her place have the flowers waiting on the table for her along with a nice little dinner you prepared, or if you can’t cook, at least bought with her in mind. Turn off that 100 watt bulb in the lamp, light those candles again, have romantic music playing softly in the background and a nice bottle of wine opened and breathing.
Treat her like a queen when she gets home. Kiss her ever so softly on the lips to greet her then, take her coat and briefcase and put them away for her. Sit her in a chair and remove her shoes, giving each one of her feet a little rubdown with the promise of more later. Tell her to go get freshened up and have the new lingerie you bought her hanging in the bathroom for her to put on.
When she is ready, pull her chair out for her at the table and serve her dinner. Make conversation by asking how her day was, and listen as she tells you all about it. Even if you do not understand what she is talking about. Always listen. Make eye contact and touch her hand or arm during dinner. Tell her how beautiful you think she is and always will be in your eyes.
After dinner guide her to the living room where you have a nice fire in the fire place, and bringing along the rest of the bottle of wine and glasses, and fulfill your promise to give her complete foot rub, including toes, ankles, and calves. She will undoubtedly be putty in your hands at this point and then you can relax and be confident that you figured out how to bring the romance back to your relationship.
This is dating advice for men from women. Follow these tips to be a very successful, romantic boyfriend and she will start to think maybe you could be a very good potential spouse.