Female facial hair can be embarrassing. It often appears first during puberty and then gets darker and coarser after the age of thirty five, when facial hair removal becomes an important issue.
Most female facial hair appears over the lip and on the chin, but many females have unwanted hair on their jaw, cheeks and neck. Fortunately, there are a number of different ways to finesse female facial hair removal.
First and foremost, a female should determine the underlying cause of her facial hair before deciding on a removal method.
Females who are pregnant or nursing often notice an increase of facial hair. They should speak with their doctor before using any hair removal method that uses energy, chemicals or drugs.
Females who have high levels of androgens, (a steroid hormone, such as testosterone or androsterone, that controls the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics), creating facial hair may obtain prescription oral medications from a medical specialist.
Tweezing is probably the method most often used to remove female facial hair. But while it’s okay to use tweezers for eyebrows, it really isn’t for other female facial hair. It’s painful, time consuming usually needing to be done on a daily basis, and over time, tweezing can damage the skin.
Some females believe they can conceal their facial hair by bleaching it, but then, under make up and in bright light their face looks, «furry».
Topical creams for female facial hair removal, available only by prescription, inhibit the growth of new hairs for about 50% of the females who have used one.
Shaving with a wet razor is not recommended as a female facial hair removal method because hairs grow back very quickly and the stubble appears thicker and darker.
One can remove unwanted female facial hair with a hair removal cream or lotion known as a depilatory. But don’t be surprised if you get pimples as a reaction to the harsh chemicals.
A facial wax is a clean, fast and easy method for removing female facial hair for up to 6 weeks. But, many experience swelling and redness in reaction to the hairs being literally yanked out.
Electrolysis is an unpleasant form of female facial hair removal because it involves inserting a needle into the follicle, (the skin depression from which the hair emerges), of each individual hair, which can cause swelling, redness, pinpoint scabbing and even scarring. Electrolysis requires anesthesia, is expensive and needs to be done regularly for 1 or 2 years to achieve final results.
Laser treatments for female facial hair removal can provide results within six to eight treatments – If you can afford the hefty cost. Because laser hair removal involves a hot laser light, «zapping», the hair follicles, these treatments require the use of a topical anesthetic.
One last thing – If you do your own research you’ll discover there is one more hair removal method that will help you finesse your female facial hair.