Long gone are the days of the weekly «wash and set» at the beauty parlor. Today-no matter what type of hair you have-there are products and hairstyles made for you.
A new online poll commissioned by Regis Corporation and conducted by Impulse Research Corporation of 1,631 women across the U.S. reveals that many of them aren’t taking advantage of today’s «hair technology.» Based on their findings, Regis has put together a list of some essential hair «do’s»:
• Change Your Color With the Seasons: With today’s advancements in color, you can lowlight, highlight or mix it up. Regis Salons› Mary Gail Hall suggests matching your color to the amount of sun in a season. «In the summer, add highlights to your hair to lighten it up. In the fall, add some lowlights to your hair and go a bit darker.»
• Protect Your Hair Color: If you are among the 71.3 percent of women who color their hair, protect your color with specially formulated shampoo for color-treated hair, which helps to keep the color true. Some of the most popular include Regis designLINE Color Care Shampoo and Conditioner, Matrix color.smart and Redken Color Extend.
• Use Styling Products: Virtually all the women surveyed (98.9 percent) use conditioner, but less than 50 percent of them use any styling or finishing products, such as spray, gel, wax, pomade or shine drops. With today’s advancements in hair technology, styling products make all the difference in your style’s look and function. Product-focused salons such as Trade Secret carry all the top, professional hair care brands, including Paul Mitchell, Sebastian and Matrix. Not sure of which one to use? Trade Secret’s stylists and beauty advisors can recommend the perfect product for your hair type.
Multi-task: Time with the family can be hectic. Save time by bringing everyone to your local no-appointment-needed mall salon, such as MasterCuts, where stylists can take care of the whole family. And remember, to keep everyone looking great, stay on a six- to eight-week hair care schedule.