Bobs And Short Haircuts

Bobs and short haircuts for women made their debut in the 1920s and were greeted with raised eyebrows and allegations of scandal. Since then, bobs and short haircuts for women have become permanent fashion fixtures and are here to stay. Bobs and short haircuts can be quite easy to manage and can look appropriate for any occasion, depending on how they are shaped and styled.

The classic bob was a blunt cut that made the hair the same length as the ears all around (except the front, of course) with a hint of curl formed by old-fashioned curlers. Today, there are as many bobs and short haircuts as there are types of women who wear them, and the famous bob has evolved to fit almost every fashion requirement.

Styling bobs and short haircuts can be quite simple, since there is less hair to work with. However, trying an unfamiliar style also has its challenges, and sometimes patience and trial and error are required before creating the perfect look.

· For a classic, blunt bob, make the hair straight all around, and ask the stylist for bangs. Using gel, comb your wet hair straight as you blow dry. Spray it well.

· For a Pageboy bob: Use a wide-barrelled curler and curl the back of your hair and bangs under. Wait for the curls to cool, and brush gently, encouraging the large curls, with a large, round brush. Spray well.

· For a flip bob: If you like the mostly straight bob with a little flip in or out at end, use a flat iron to make most of your hair straight, and make your hair flip in or flip out at the ends by twisting inch wide sections around the flat iron.

· Kinky bob: If you do not have naturally curly hair, create curls using wacky curlers or by using a narrow-barrelled curling iron. Leave the curlers in your hair for at least a half and hour and blow your hair dry, or, using a curler, wind your hair around the iron in one-inch wide sections. Use a pick to arrange your curls and spray well.

· Layered Bob: If your hair is layered, and you would like a soft, natural looking bob, rinse out your conditioner well and work mousse through your wet hair. Dry well, using your fingers to style your hair and twist some strands of hair for extra wave.

· Super glossy bob: This look is great for formal events. Use shampoo and conditioner specially designed to bring out the sheen in your hair. Sculpt wet hair with gel and brush straight. Blow dry on a low setting, and finish with a hair spray that will make your hair very shiny.

· Super short bob: Paris Hilton sported this bob shortly before getting her hair sheared. This bob requires very little maintenance. The hair should be cropped close to the face. Use a little mousse to give the hair a bit of volume. You needn’t worry about making the bob very curly or very straight, since this is a natural looking hairdo. Simply use mousse, coax your hair into the desired style with a brush as you blow it dry.

· Emo bob: Although emo’s claim to ignore fashion, the bob has hit even the emo crowd. Cut your hair into a blunt cut with scissors. Don’t worry if the ends are not exactly even. Dye your hair black and add red or frosted highlights if you wish.

Bobs and short haircuts can create a very «sweet» look. A short haircut that has as much sass and elegance as a bob is the «pixie» look. This hairstyle is great if you have an oval face and want soft bangs that emphasize your eyes. The back is cut in the shape of a wedge, and more hair is left at the top. The bangs can be curled under or combed straight. A little curl is quite feminine and brings out the eyes.

Blonde Brunette or Red Haired

Wish you were a blonde like Antonio Bandaras? Or do you aspire to be a red haired macho like the neighborhood cop? Or probably you want a green hair ever since you saw the drummer in your college fest.

Are you afraid that your brilliant hair coloring ideas will remain only distant dreams? No way pal. There are ways close to your hand to fulfill your dreams. You just need to go ahead.

The Various Hair Coloring Products

Hair coloring products are usually of four categories –

a.) Temporary b.) Semi-permanent c.) Deposit only/demi-permanent d.) Permanent.

All products but temporary color require a patch test before application. The idea is to determine whether the client is allergic to the product.

a.) Temporary Hair Coloring Product – In this product the pigment molecules are large. So it does not penetrate the cuticle layer. And that allows only a coating action that may be removed by shampooing.

Acid dyes are used to coat on the hair surface. Acid dyes have low affinity to hair. And can be removed after a shampoo.

The temporary hair coloring products are typically used to give brighter and more vibrant shades or colors. For example orange or red.

The various product forms in which temporary hair coloring products are available include – Rinses, shampoos, gels, etc.

b.) Semi-permanent Hair Coloring Product – This product deposits color on the hair shaft without lightening it. Having smaller molecules enables it to penetrate the hair shaft.

It does not have any developer. And may be used for heat for penetration.

It remains intact up to 8-14 shampoos.

c.) Deposit only/demi-permanent Hair Coloring Product – It uses a mild, creamy developer of a lower volume than permanent color.

There is an ammonia substitute called MEA in some demi-products. MEA helps with penetration and can lift natural color.

Demi-permanent hair coloring product penetrates the hair shaft in a slight manner. It makes hair shiny and covers/blends some gray.

d.) Permanent Hair Coloring Product – This product, mixed with developer, remains in the hair shaft til new hair growth occurs.

Its uses are matching, lightening and covering gray hair.

Usually it contains ammonia, oxidative tints, and peroxide.

The allergic reaction coming from hair dye is most likely occur each time one dyes his hair. And that will probably get worse every time.

Henna as a permanent hair coloring product – Henna is a deposit-only hair color. Its active component lawsone inds to keratin and is therefore permanent.

Henna can be removed with mineral oil. But it is considered permanent. Because shampoos and rinses can wash it out.

Special Hair Coloring Techniques

The special effects in hair coloring techniques include highlighting and vivid, unusual hair colors. The latter include the ones like green or fuchsia (purple red).

Highlighting ranges from temporary to permanent. An individual can find it difficult to perform the techniques required for highlighting.

Need for professional hair coloring ideas

Make sure that you always follow a professional hair coloring idea. It means consulting a professional hair colorist.

Amateurish use of hair coloring techniques may result into various serious consequences. The latter include –

* Different color outcome compared to what you expected
* Breakage of hair stands
* Hair loss
* Dry scalp.

So now you know that your hair coloring dream is not a distant one. The ways are very much there awaiting your action. So just go ahead. Color your hair in the way you want – red like fresh blood, orange, or whatever. Discover a new you. And add spice to your life.

Who knows, just a change in your hair color might suddenly impress the girl next door. Yes, the same girl whom you have trying to impress unsuccessfully for last few months.

How To Take Care Of Cornrows

Cornrows and braids are one of those timeless styles that have crossed all gender and ethnic gaps. In fact, nothing is more beautiful than heedful of intricate braids and rows and no two styles are exactly alike. That is why more and more people are choosing to express themselves and their individual style through braiding and rowing.

But as with all styles, cornrows come with their own special challenges and problems. One of the most obvious problems associated with any tight braiding technique is breakage. While black hair has fewer tendencies to break than Caucasian hair, it can still take a great deal of abuse if the braids are not done and cared for properly. In addition to breakage, you can also experience dull, frizzy and dry hair as a result of wearing cornrows or braids.

To avoid all of these drawbacks and to keep your braids looking shiny and neat, follow the following care tips:

· Choose your artist wisely – As with any artistic field, braiders come in many levels of expertise. Be sure to choose one that has been in the business for a good while. Also, ask to see sample photos of the stylist’s work. This will give you a good idea about their level of expertise.

· Grow hair to proper length – In order to get a good braid, your stylist has to have enough hair to work with. A good rule of thumb to follow on length is 10cm for straight hair and a minimum of 5 cm for curly hair.

· Cleanse without disrupting – Granted, shampooing your hair with all of those rows and braids is not an easy task. To clean down to the scalp without disrupting your style you can use a shower massager or dental water pick.

· Wrap to prevent frizz and breakage – When you’re sleeping, your hair comes into constant contact with your pillow and your movements cause friction and tension to be applied to your braids. This can result in fly away hair, frizz and breakage. To avoid this simply wrap your head with a do rag or cloth before sleeping.

· Keep salon appointments – If your braid artist tells you to get a trim every 6 weeks, do so. And if he or she tells you to get your braids redone within a certain time frame, be sure that you do. This will help keep your braids looking neat and fresh.

Black Hair Basics

The typical hair and hair follicles of those of African descent are tightly curled, thus producing hair that spirals. Black hair also typically has a larger diameter than Caucasian hair and retains less water, thus its relative “kinkiness.” The many styling methods utilized on Black hair cause concern with hair loss. Black hair is very strong, fortunately so because Black hair styles cause a great deal of stress on the hair and scalp.

For example, using a hair pick to pick the hair up to a bushy style is a very damaging process due to the constant pulling causing stress on the hair shaft as well as the follicle. In fact, combing Black hair in general can create high stress on Black hair and cause breakage, which perpetuates dryness. Conrowing and braiding are methods of hairstyling that pull the hair tight, and this can cause a great deal of stress on the hair and scalp resulting in hair loss. Braiding that results in the hair being pulled very tight can cause traumatic alopecia, a hair loss that is caused by trauma to the hair and scalp. Traumatic alopecia is usually reversible with proper hair care.

Hot combs and relaxers used to straighten hair can cause a great deal of heat and chemical damage to hair and scalp, which can also cause traumatic alopecia, and over time can cause permanent hair loss. This becomes especially true when the heat or chemically processed hair is pulled tight by rollers or a hot curling iron.

Hot oil conditioners are excellent for Black hair, as hot oil treatments contain proteins and polymers vital to repairing the hair cuticles. Hot oil treatments involve heating the oil and putting it into the hair and scalp, then covering the hair with a plastic cap to allow the oil to soak in. Follow the recommendations on the treatment you are using for the amount of time you should leave the treatment on the hair. This process can heal breakages and shinier stronger hair will be the result.

Consider that hair relaxers commonly used on Black hair contain lye or similar chemicals that break down the hair shaft. Left on beyond the recommended time, these chemicals would eat right through the hair and cause it to fall out in clumps. This is why these same products are used in products like Drano® to clean clogged drains which often are clogged by hair. No-lye relaxers are very popular today, mainly because it leads people to believe that the product is not caustic. This is far from the truth. The combination of calcium hydroxide and guanidine carbonate are combined to form guanidine hydroxide, which could just as easily clean a sink. Repeated use of such products can cause some degree of hair loss, and if scarring occurs while using these chemicals, the hair loss can be permanent in that area of the scalp. One must ask themselves is it wise to place such caustic chemicals in the hair on a regular basis for the sake of desired appearance? The question must be answered by each individual, however the facts should be known.

There is little that can be done to alleviate this syndrome without changing the typical hairstyles of African Americans. There is a catch-22 concerning relaxing Black hair, since combing natural Black hair causes so much stress and breakage of hair, while chemicals cause so much harm to the hair and scalp as well. There are a few hair-relaxing products on the market that use chemicals and are somewhat less harsh than sodium hydroxide (lye) or its popular equivalent in “no-lye” relaxers: calcium hydroxide (quicklime) mixed with guanidine carbonate. One such product is called Natural-Laxer® and Sahara Clay® by Baka ProductsTM that has been on the market since 1990. This product is all natural and because it does not contain many of the harsh chemicals of commercial relaxers and actually contains only a finely ground plant called Daphne Gnidium and clay from Africa it is figured to be relatively safe. Of course this product does not straighten hair in most instances the same way as commercial relaxers, however it does tend to make Black hair more manageable. There is yet another product on the market that is reported to be 92-96% natural which is called Naturalaxer Kit In A Jar™ that does not require the applicant to comb through the hair during the application, which results in a lot less damage.

Of course the bottom line is once again, if you can leave your hair in its natural state then you will experience less stress and damage to the hair and thus prevent at least one cause of hair loss. There is a growing segment of the Black population that is becoming comfortable with wearing their hair in natural styles. One such style is dreadlocks. There are many rumors and myths concerning dreadlocks, as there is little proper information available concerning this style, and as with anything that is misunderstood many myths arise around it. Dreadlocks can and must be washed; otherwise they will smell badly like any other dirty hair. The best process to use to wash dreadlocks is to use a residue-free shampoo. Most commercially made shampoos leave residue and can cause hair not to lock, lending fuel to the rumor that hair had to be dirty to form dreadlocks. Clean hair actually locks much better than dirty hair, as dirt is a residue in itself that will inhibit hair from locking. For best results one should use a fragrance free, conditioner free shampoo. Dreadlocks do not react well to oily and greasy substances, yet there are many good substances that are on the market today that will assist you in forming dreadlocks.

Dreadlocks are formed through a process, not simply by not combing or brushing the hair. Generally, one should start with hair about two inches in length, and the hair should be separated into even squares of hair and twisted gently together using a bonding or gel substance. Many use natural beeswax containing no petroleum, while others use loc and twist gels specifically formulated for locks. Once the hair is separated and twisted into small locks, it is important that they are left alone and allowed to bond naturally. The length of time it will take to lock will depend on the coarseness of your hair, but one can normally expect to wait several months before locks begin to form. While the hair is locking, it will need to be washed. Here is where washing should be extended for a while if possible, so that the hair can be allowed to lock for two weeks to about a month without manipulation. When you do wash your hair, use a stocking cap or “do-rag”, and low-pressure water to make sure that the newly forming locks do not come loose. It will be necessary to rinse for a much longer time than you normally do, because of the lower pressure of the water and the lack of direct manipulation of your hair with your hands. The water is good for your hair and locking process, so this is not a problem. It is also imperative as indicated before that you use a shampoo that does not contain a conditioner and leaves as little residue as possible. A little research on your

part will be necessary here; your health food store should contain a variety of natural shampoos. Have a skilled professional or a friend re-twist the hair gently, reapplying the twist gel or beeswax that you used previously. Repeat this process every two weeks to a month, the longer you are able to wait the better, and within a few months your hair will begin to lock. Again, if you have a fine grade of hair rather than a kinky grade of hair, a beautician skilled at forming locks (“locktitian”) or a friend who is very familiar with the hairstyle should be consulted. Even though dreadlocks are mainly a hairstyle for Blacks, there are other races that have people that enjoy the hairstyle. In general, it tends to be a style of hair that in the long run will give the hair and scalp needed rest from the rigors of chemical and heat treatments and rigorous combing and brushing, and therefore can contribute to longer life for your hair.

Biotin and Hair Loss

Falling hair is normal, when you take bath roll in the bed, do combing and such other activities, you lost some of your hairs. It is very natural. But if your hair falls and that too in such a quantity that makes your head poor haired then it is a deficiency, which may ultimately lead to baldness. If this is the case, then you are suffering with hair problems. The causes may be many and you need to identify them, but ultimately your body is deficient of Biotin. Yes, Biotin, it is the vitamin, which makes your hair healthy, strong and good looking. It is clinically proven, so maintaining a good level of Biotin in your body system is as essential as maintaining other vitamins and minerals. Biotin is necessary for your hairs health and overall well being. Medical specialists advise that the persons suffering with Hair Problems must take Biotin in addition to other medications.

So if you are suffering with hair problems, must go for medications with Biotin substitutes. Foods like eggs. Yolk and liver contains a lot of Biotin, you need to consume these foods in rich quantity to maintain your health and prevent hair loss.
Using a Biotin enriched shampoo may also help in improving your hair health.

Some more foods rich in Biotin are; brewer’s yeast, green peas, oats, soybeans, walnuts, sunflower seeds, green peas, bulgur and brown rice, etc. Eating these foods and food products will help your body in maintaining a good level of Biotin.

A person who is a patient of heartburn, acid reflux or GERD absorbs less amount of Biotin, and hence may trap into hair problems. This is because; a person suffering with above-mentioned disease takes a lot of antacids.
So now, you will definitely agree with the fact that Biotin is a hair food, and important for good hair health.

What Biotin else does for your body?

Biotin is a member of Vitamin B complex family also sometime known as Vitamin H or Vitamin B7. This is soluble in water, which means, if body has high level of Vitamin H at a certain day or time, it pass out through Urine. This vitamin is produced in the intestine with the help of bacteria in the intestine. Biotin helps in metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and helps in maintaining steady blood sugar. So, it is good for the persons suffering with Diabetes. Diabetes is a major disease across the globe and affects several men and women.

Biotin do processing of glucose and we know glucose is one of the source of energy of our body to perform work and maintaining wear and tear of the body. Biotin also helps in making of DNA, RNA and nucleic acids and production of fatty acids. Growth and replication of cells depends on Biotin.
Thus on one hand Biotin helps in maintaining good hair health and on the other hand it is important for several bodily functions.

Sources of Biotin

The main sources of Biotin are; liver, kidneys, milk, cheese, butter and other dairy products, egg yolks, oysters, lobsters, poultry, cauliflower, avocados, bananas, strawberries, watermelon, grapefruits, raisins, mushrooms, green peas, blackcurrants, brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, nuts, beans, lentils, oat bran, whole grains, oatmeal, peanut butter, molasses, and foods like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and herrings (foods rich in Omega – 3 fatty acids).
A healthy person and pregnant woman must take 300 grams of Biotin in daily diet. Breastfeeding mothers need about 350 micrograms of Biotin.

Symptoms of Biotin Deficiency

People affecting with Biotin deficiency may show dry or scaly scalp, a loss of appetite, hair problems; closely associated with Biotin deficiency, nausea, depression, dermatitis, anorexia, and anemia.

Bikini Line Hair Removal

Skin around the pubic area is very sensitive and bikini line hair removal can be a quick route to all sorts of skin problems if it’s not done properly. Ingrown hairs, razor bumps, blood spots and red and sore skin are just some of them. Here’s a list of what you shouldn’t do if you want not only a hairless bikini line but a smooth one too.

Don’t use a throwaway, switchblade or man’s razor for a pubic hair shave. Use a good quality female safety razor. Make sure the blade is sharp. Using a blunt blade to shave pubic hair will make skin irritations even more likely.

Don’t shave pubic hair too close to the skin, or shave the same area more than twice. You’ll increase your risk of getting ingrown hairs and skin problems if you do.

Don’t shave bare skin during a pubic hair shave. You’ll get razor burns. And don’t use a shaving cream for men or soap as a lubricant. Use a gel or cream for bikini line hair removal. Apply liberally.

Don’t shave inflamed or bleeding skin. You’ll make matters much worse and lastly don’t shave while you’re cold. The razor or shaver will catch your goose bumps.

Don’t get a bikini wax just before heading for the beach. You’re skin will be red and sore for at least 24 hours after a bikini wax.

If you you’ve never had your bikini line waxed before, don’t try to do it yourself and never attempt a Brazilian wax yourself. Go to a professional salon or spa.

Depilatory creams
Don’t use depilatory creams on the pubic area other than on the bikini line. They’ll burn your skin. Creams meant for the face should never be used on the bikini line.

If you avoid all of these common mistakes, your experiences of bikini line hair removal should be much better and you’ll be able to head for the beach with confidence.

Are Razors Better Than Pubic Shavers

Razors are cheap and many women say they give a closer shave than an electric razor. The cons are they can nick or cut the skin, and lathering up every time you want to shave can be annoying. If you do decide to use a razor as a pubic hair shaver make sure it’s a good one. Choose a female razor and go for best quality rather than lowest price. Throwaway razors are not much good for bikini line hair removal and they are more likely to cause razor burns and soreness while you’re shaving and ingrown hairs later on.

Electric shavers

Electric shavers for women have been around since the late 1940s, although some of the early models were basically just men’s shavers but pink. Today female shavers are much more common and it’s possible to buy shavers designed specifically for bikini line hair removal. Other shavers come with separate shaving foils for pubic shaving. Pubic shavers with hypoallergenic foils, skin coolers, and built-in trimmers are also available.

Fewer shaving cuts and convenience are among the reasons for using a pubic hair shaver. There’s no need to use shaving foam with an electric pubic shaver and it will be safer to use because the skin is protected from the blade. Razor burns will also not be a problem. Some pubic shavers can even be taken in the shower and some manufacturers claim their shavers will shave as close as a razor. If you decide to buy one, make sure you do some research of your own first.

Electric shaver or razor?

To summarize, electric pubic shavers tend to be quicker, safer and easier to use but they may not give such a close shave as a razor. They also cost more. If you change from one to the other, make sure you give yourself a chance to get used to it.

Guide To Pubic Hair Removal Methods

Shaving is the most common method of removing pubic hair. That’s probably because it’s cheap and you can do it yourself at home. Most women use a razor and if you decide to do the same, remember to use a safety razor designed for bikini line hair removal. Electric razors are more expensive but less hassle to use and a little safer.

Many women find shaving a quick and convenient short-term method of bikini line hair removal but frequent pubic hair shaving can be a pain. Side effects can include razor bumps and other skin irritations and stubble growth between shaves can lead to itching and ingrown hairs.

Bikini Wax
If you want a longer-term solution than shaving, a bikini wax is an option. As hair is pulled out from the roots, it won’t grow back for four to six weeks. Not surprisingly, the treatment can be painful, and many women are reluctant to use this method of pubic hair removal for this reason. It’s worth remembering though that the pain should be less with every treatment.

Epilators are electric devices that when applied to the skin pull hair out by the roots. Hair may not return for up to four weeks so they can be quite a good long-term method of pubic hair removal. They used to be painful to use but current products are reportedly less so as they numb the skin as they work. Very short hairs can be removed too so stubble and ingrown hairs are less of a problem.

Depilatory lotions can take as little as ten minutes to dissolve hair. Some are designed for bikini line hair removal but you should use them with caution. Never use them on the pubic area other than along the bikini line as the chemicals can burn the skin or cause allergic reactions. Always carry out a skin test on your elbow before using a depilatory cream. Don’t use products designed for removing hair on the face: the pubic area is more sensitive.

Bikini Area Hair Removal

You can remove unwanted hair using different methods. When it comes to bikini area, it becomes tricky for many reasons. The site is sensitive. Self-shaving becomes difficult. Waxing may be very painful. Electrolysis may be time consuming? Laser may be costly. What should a girl do? Let us discuss.


With shaving, there are possibilities of bikini bumps. Shaving has to be repeated frequently and the stubble that grows after shaving may be irritating. There are also chances of cutting yourself with shaving.


With electrolysis the removal is practically permanent. But some people find it painful. It is also quite time taking. You have to expose yourself unlike shaving but that also applies to waxing and laser.


Waxing can be very painful. If you are taking Vitamin A derivatives or using them your skin can become very sensitive and tear. Waxing is also not permanent and it is reported that some parlors reuse the wax.


This is a permanent method of removal. The hair may grow again but will be finer and less. Except cost, everything goes in favor of laser hair removal from bikini area.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Best Male Hair Loss Products

The worse part of getting older is joint aches and loss of hair. Chances of getting bald are more if you are a male and your age is more than 45. Alopecia or male pattern baldness is genetic in character. Medical hair transplants are used by many people every year with surprising results to over come this problem. But hair transplant is the last solution of hair loss problem. Some hair loss remedies are available in the market for hair loss prevention. Moreover, you can stop hair loss with the use of best hair loss products (allopathic). With the use of hair loss products, you can simply stop hair loss, no new hair growth will occur.

Alopecia or male pattern baldness is not a scalp related problem. Alopecia occurs as a result of chemical reaction between oil glands found in the hair follicle and testosterone. When testosterone (male hormone) transforms into DHT, reaction causes follicle to shrink. But there are hair loss products available on the market, which works against the production of DHT. You must buy a hair loss product, which contains ingredients like pro-vitamin B5, saw and palmetto zinc. These kinds of hair loss product are designed to keep your hair on your head.

If you want to stop hair loss, you are recommended to use hair loss products like Propecia and Rogaine. These hair loss products are available at drug stores and you can even order Rogaine online. If it is already late and you are bald or have significant thinning, then you must think for a hair loss treatment. Medical hair restoration will be the best option for your problem. Results will be full head of natural hair. This process is not painful, but you will feel some swelling and discomfort. Your dermatologist will help you to select a hair loss product or hair transplant process, which will meet your expectations.

Best Hair Loss Treatment

Hair loss creates baldness. A bald person looks older than his real age. This abnormal hair loss is technically called alopecia. It does not affect our health directly but indirectly it creates problems, such as low self esteem. When alopecia occurs at a young age, it creates an inferiority complex that leads to other health problems. Hence, we should attend to this problem and go for a hair loss treatment. There are many treatments; some are medications and some are surgeries. You need to find the best hair loss treatment by consulting a specialist. If the condition is not severe, then, you can stop the hair loss with Propecia.

Propecia is a well-known medicine and very popular. A regular use of Propecia can stop hair loss and even re-grow hair. Not just Propecia, there are other options too that could be better for your hair. In the past people did not have many options to fight baldness. The most common way was to buy a wig and cover the

head. But now with the advancement of science we have many more ways for treating hair loss. Some of the better hair loss treatments are:

Bio matrix treatment: This is widely known as hair weaving. Hair is woven to cover the bald patch. Today hair weaving has emerged as one of the best and popular treatments for hair loss.

Surgical hair transplant: The hair follicles in the bald patches are transplanted with hair. In each follicle up to four hairs can be transplanted. Hair is picked from other areas of your scalp where hair is still thick. To be successful this treatment needs a healthy growth.

These are some of the well-known hair loss treatments that are famous and widely used. A lof of people have been benefited by these treatments.

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Best Hair Loss Treatment

Every human being experiences hair loss at sometime in their lives. It is very rare that any one does not suffer it. If you are one of those who are losing hair, please read the complete article. In the following, you are advised the best hair loss treatment.
Scientifically Proven Herbs for Hair Loss Treatment:
The following herbs are scientifically proven and testified to have remarkable effects for hair loss treatment.
 Carya Alba

 Astragalus Glycyphyllos

 Angelica Arhangelica Root

 Peach Kernel Oil

 alvia Officinalis

 Capsicum

 Cortex dictamni radicis

 Flos Chrysanthemum

 Heshouwu

 Iron-Fist Ginseng

 Miltiorrhizae

 Notoginseng

 Paorulca Glandulosa

 Rhizome of Szechuan Lovage

 Radix astragali

 Radix GinsengRadix Polygoni Multiflori

 Corthamis Tinctorius

 Red-rooted Salvia

 Aralia Quinquetolia

 Rhizhoma gastroidia ginseng

 Seu radix notopterygii

 Sophera flavescens

The Best Hair Loss Treatment Products:
101D Hair Loss Treatment, 101F Hair Loss Treatment, 101G Hair Loss Treatment, and 101 Hair Loss Treatment Shampoo are the names of hair loss treatment products, which are regarded as the best hair loss treatment products by world renowned hair experts. These products not only include the mentioned important herbs for hair loss treatment, but also include them in the molecular structure that is vital for highly effective hair loss recovery.
Use of these products according to the given directions will help you achieve:

• Thickness and beauty in existing hair

• Scalp and follicle conditions that is improved

• Noticeable hair re-growth

• Low rate of hair loss

Best Hair Loss Products

How to identify best hair loss products?
Our society is coming bald; you can find a bald person in every nook and corner of your locality. You don’t need to search, if you are the one. Hair loss is a deficiency that can make any person bald. Earlier, it was the men, now it is affecting the women also in equal proportion. Sometime children also suffer with hair loss. In fact, hair loss is a natural phenomenon and also happens as biological clock ticks but if this clock ticks frequently, then it is called a deficiency, the baldness. This might happen because of improper nutrition, low hygiene, various environmental circumstances etc.

One’s loss is others gain; the saying goes well in case of baldness too.

A number of products are available in the market to prevent hair loss and that too with 100% guarantee. But if that is the case, then today it would be difficult to find such a man / women in the area you live, because these hair loss products are existing in the market since decades and public is buying and trying the different products to stay much hairy. The person who has hair on head and makes their head shaved is another side of the story. The hair loss products claim them as medically proven and people are trying these products with no success at all. I’m sure if you are the one then you definitely have tried some of these products. Since you have tried the product, so do you have any idea about hair loss products? You will definitely say No. This is because one product, which may be good for one person, may be a dump for other and vice-versa.

In most of the hair loss cases it has been found that the hair loss products recommended by a physician gave better results. That’s why, hair loss today is not merely the baldness but a type of sickness which need to be checked, diagnosed and treated by an expert physician rather than going for trial and error method, using sometime one hair loss product, then next, and then so on, which may be of no result. So if you are suffering with hair problems, you need to identify your hair loss problems and see your physician, and get the problem solved.

Clinical diagnosis of hair loss patients suggests that in most of the cases, the reason of hair loss was improper diet, a deficiency of different vitamins and minerals in the body, stress, side effects of medications for any particular sickness, irregular sleep, etc. So, it is obvious that if you are suffering from hair loss or some one around you and you want to help the person, then try to identify the problem of hair loss and take good medical help of experts rather than trying products available in the store shelves.

Sometime a person suffering with hair loss may opt for herbal hair loss products, because it is believed that herbal remedies causes no or minimal side effects. If you are the one, and thinking to buy some herbal hair loss product then make sure that the product you are going to try will restore dead hair follicles and support hair growth. But at the same time remember that these herbal remedies may cause side effects, so it is best favorable to you to go for your doctors’ advice before trying any herbal hair loss product as well.

Women: Be cautious; if you are suffering with hair problems, then never use any hair loss product without getting an expert advice. Some of the hair loss products may cause growth of hair all over the body and definitely you don’t want hair on your upper lips.

There it is best advisable for both the sexes to take precaution, and try only products recommended by a qualified doctor. You also need to understand the causes of hair loss, so that you can help yourself and others to minimize the chances of hair loss / baldness or prevent it.

The following things, you need to understand to prevent your hair problems:

1.The ways to either prevent or stop hair loss and the knowledge of restoring hair growth.

2.The ways to achieve lifespan of hair cells and promoting follicles growth.

3.Several internal and external factors also affects your hair health and promote the things like thinning hairs etc, knowing these factors and also having the knowledge of hair and scalp rejuvenation.

4.Some cosmetic products also may harm your hair, so if you have opted for some new product and you are feeling some problems, switch it over, immediately. Go for your old brand. After all ‘old is gold’.

5.Know your diet and life style, which will suit your hair too.

6.Know the methods of improving hair longevity.

7.Hair loss in some cases is genetic, knowing the fact and knowledge of how to minimize it will help a lot.

8.Hair loss is equally common amongst women, so women should also know the causes and cure of it.

9.Stress, high blood pressure and heart disease also leads to hair loss, knowing the fact and trying to distress, etc. may be of great help.

Your Hair Removal Options

Are you female? If you are, there is a good chance that you have an unlimited number of different issues to deal with on a daily basis. Many of those issues are likely health and beauty related, like hair removal. If you are having a problem with unwanted body hair, did you know that you don’t have to suffer any longer? There are a number of steps that you can take to make this unsightly issue, disappear and possibly for good.

The first step in getting rid of your unwanted body hair is to examine all of your options. As you likely already know, there are a number of different ways to remove unwanted body hair. Some of these hair removal methods are temporary and others are more permanent. If you have had enough of dealing with your unwanted body hair, you will want to continue reading on.

When it comes to removing unwanted body hair, the most common method used is that of shaving. Many women, often a weekly basis, shave their unwanted body hair on their legs and armpits. While shaving is nice, it is a hair removal method that is temporary. That is why many women often end up saving once or even twice a week. It is also important to mention that shaving in certain areas, especially the face, can make unwanted body hair even worse. That is why you may want to take the time to examine your other options.

Speaking of your other options, for removing unwanted body hair, another one of your options is that of waxing. Waxing is a popular hair removal method, as there are a number of different ways to undergo it. Waxing is commonly offered as a service at many hair salons, beauty salons, and spas. With that in mind, there are also home waxing kits that you can buy to perform your own wax jobs right in the comfort of your own home. Additional reasons as to why waxing is a popular hair removal method is because it is affordable and more permanent than shaving.

Another one of the many ways that you can remove your unwanted body hair is by using hair removal creams. Hair removal creams are often marketed as an easy way to remove unsightly body hair. While this is true, not all hair removal creams work the same. This means that you may have to experiment with multiple brands of hair removal cream to find the cream that works the best for you. Should you decide to use hair removal cream, as a way to remove your unwanted body hair, it is important that you read all directions, as some hair removal creams can only be used on certain areas of your body safely.

Although waxing is more permanent than shaving, many individual who use waxing to remove their unwanted body hair have to do so on a monthly basis. If you are looking to remove your unwanted body hair for good or at least for a period of one year or more, you will want to examine laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is one hair removal method that is rapidly increasing in popularity, as it is often permanent for many individuals.

Despite the fact that laser hair removal is increasing in popularity, there still many women who opt not to undergo a laser hair removal procedure. One of those reasons is due to cost. Yes, it can be expensive to undergo a laser hair removal procedure, but you need to think long-term. When compared to the cost of shaving, waxing, or buying hair removal creams overtime, you may be able to save a considerable amount of money with laser hair removal.

The above mentioned laser hair removal methods are just a few of the many that you have to choose from. If your unwanted body hair is such an issue that you hate going out in public, you may want to consider consulting with your primary care physician for professional advice.

Beauty Benefits of Hair Straighteners

From turning frizzy hair into a sleek and natural-looking style, millions of women around the world invest in quality hair straighteners, hair dryers, curling irons, and hair relaxers. Premium brands and companies are also investing in creating new products; the line of Sedu flat irons, Sedu hair straighteners, and ceramic hair straighteners are a popular choice for women interested in a basic style that stays in line with today’s hairstyling trends. When the Solia flat iron was introduced, many women found this to be a better option than other flat irons on the market.

The process of drying hair, then curling, relaxing, or straightening it is one that takes time and the use of quality tools and products. If you are using the wrong hairstyling products, hair can easily become frizzy, damaged, and even break. This can lead to poor moisture and «dead» hair that is difficult or impossible to style. Finding the right hair dryer for the task at hand is just as important as finding the best styling tools, such as hair straighteners and curling irons. Hair relaxers are most commonly used for women with excessively curly, thick, or African American hair.

Americans spend approximately 7 billion dollars per year on hair styling equipment, salon visits, and general hair maintenance. Although there are many beauty benefits of staying ahead of the season’s trends, changing the condition of the hair on a regular basis can cause hair damage.

Hair straighteners are one of the most popular ways to achieve a sleek and chic look, and many different methods have been tried. Still, one of the best ways to achieve this look is by using Sedu hair straighteners. These are combination of ceramic hair straighteners and ionic tourmalilne technology that make use of infra red heat. When a woman decides to use one of these tools, their hair becomes flat and free of curls without damage, because the heat they output is much less damaging than steam and standard flat iron hair straighteners in general.

Ceramic hair straighteners are becoming a popular choice because they are lightweight, can heat up quickly, and leave little damage to the particles of the hair. Women who do decide to straighten their hair at home need to find the best hair straighteners for their hair type, along with the best hair dryers for a complete routine. Many choose Sedu flat irons, simply for their ease of use and even heat distribution. The Solia flat iron is another popular choice and is constructed in a similar fashion as the Sedu flat iron.

Chi hair straighteners are another option for women looking to remove frizz and create a flat and sleek look. Chi hair straighteners first became popular with the Chi ceramic hairstyling iron. These hair straighteners and flat irons offer removable plates that also help protect the hair cuticle. Chi hair straighteners are designed in such a way that they help seal in color and moisture. Farouk Systems, Inc. is the only authorized manufacturer of the Chi hair products; finding an authentic model is an important part of the shopping process. Chi flat irons offer an adjustable temperature dial in addition to a flat heating option that provides intermittent heat for specific parts of the hair. Chi hair straighteners heat up very quickly, offering convenience and ease of use. The line of Chi hair straighteners is also available in three different sizes: Mini, Chi Turbo, and Big Chi Turbo.

When purchasing ceramic hair straighteners, especially Sedu hair straighteners or Sedu flat irons, it’s important to set a budget. Most of the highlighted hair straighteners range in price from $100 to $150, and occasionally will be more expensive.

In order to make sure that the hair follicles and strands do not become damaged, the best hair straighteners are made with high quality ceramic plates. These units are designed to maintain steady temperatures and will prevent excessive heat damage from occurring. Hair straighteners made exclusively with metal plates, for example, will have uneven distribution and may lead to overheating of the hair. Sedu hair straighteners, as another example, have become famous for their steady heat regulation. This is why the ceramic hair straighteners are becoming the standard of choice for hair salons all over the civilized world.

The width of the ceramic hair straightener is important, since coarse hair types require the additional width. The size of the ceramic plates is also an important consideration when dealing with long hair, because once again, the larger plates can help provide a more even and consistent straightening of the hair. Many top quality hair straighteners and flat irons come with attachments for different sized plates. For women who are trying to be more creative with their hair, the different attachments can help with successfully creating these different hairstyles.

We recommend that you spend the extra time to discover which hairstyling equipment will best suit your everyday needs and your desires to be creative. Once you have purchased your hairstyling equipment, be sure to read the documentation that is shipped with it, so that you will have a full measure of the capabilities of your new hairstyling tools. Once you have received your new hairstyling tools, you will find that all of your «bad hair days» are a thing of the past.

Beautiful Hairstyles

Long, silky, healthy hair can radiate beauty, fitness and youth. A change of hairstyle is often enough to make you look more sophisticated, younger or simply different.

Hair extensions

Hair extensions are becoming an increasingly popular way of instantly getting that long beautiful hair some of us can only dream of! Growing your hair long takes 5-6 years at an average of 1 cm per month! Hair extensions can give you around 21 inches of thick hair in just a few hours!

There are two main types of hair extensions. Hair extensions can be made out of synthetic fibers and are referred to as synthetic hair extensions or out of human hair and referred to as human hair extensions. Human hair extensions tend to be the preferred kind of hair extensions because they look and feel a lot more natural then the synthetic kind. Also, heat cannot be applied to most synthetic fibers causing some inconvenience if a person needs to use some hair appliances. The downside of human hair extensions is that are usually much more expensive then the synthetic ones! Notwithstanding, there is no fixed price for human hair extensions because this differs according to the quality, style and length of extensions required. Hair extensions that are untreated and uncolored usually cost more because they are more durable!

Hair Weaves

A change of hairstyle is often enough to make you look more sophisticated, younger or simply different. Hair weaves are a good idea for those who fancy some braids, dreadlocks or simply a fuller head of hair and a different look!
Hair weaves are another form of hair extensions and can also be made out of synthetic or natural hair. There are three types of hair weaves:

(1)Bonded Hair Weave – This is the least durable kind of hair weave and only lasts 1 month until it would need to be replaced. This kind of hair weave gets glued to the scalp

(2)Braided Hair Weave – This is a 2 step procedure. The natural hair is braided along the center of the scalp (under the hair) and then the hair weave gets sown into the braids. This type of hair weave normally lasts around 2 months.

(3)Fusion Hair Weave – This is the most lasting kind of hair weave, since it needs be changed every 3 months. This procedure involves waxing the hair weave to the natural hair.

Both hair extensions and hair weaves require considerable maintenance. The hair need to be treated with gentle respect and cleaned and moisturized daily with a good conditioner. Remember, that while natural hair gets the necessary oils and moisture from your scalp, hair extensions and hair weaves don’t! Also, depending on the style and procedure for your hair extensions/hair weaves, you might also have to visit the hairdresser every 6 weeks to fix your hair extensions due to your natural hair re growth.

Whichever kind of hair extension you choose, always consult your hair specialist for advice, and pick the safest procedure. Finally, enjoy your beautiful hair!

Baldness Solutions

Hair is a striking feature of human body. Hair loss, especially by female/male pattern baldness is matter of great concern. Pattern baldness is particularly is very troubling condition. In this type of baldness the hair is regularly lost at both the temples and at top of the skull. At last the person is left with a horseshoe pattern in the head.

Male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia) is the chief devil that causes hair loss. With age one suffers from this disorder by acquiring the genetic predisposition and presence of male hormones. Contrary to the common perception, hereditary baldness is not a must in each generation. However, if one’s father is completely bald and one loses hair at an early stage, then he is said to be in male pattern baldness due to alopecia and 95% of complete baldness occurs by alopecia.

Excess amount of male hormone also causes hair loss. Besides, stress, improper nutrition and pollution together accelerate the baldness. One under stress will loss hair at double the speed of a normal human.

Taking dietary supplement and/or external application of cosmetics is fruitless to stop baldness. Fortunately, there are several baldness solutions, the most popular ones being hair transplantation surgery, scalp reduction surgery and scalp flap surgery.

There is no such thing as true hair transplant. Surgeons replace the bald area from some other hair-healthy area of the head. Hence, the name hair replacement transplant. Hair transplant works when there is enough donor hairs. Victims of female/male pattern balding are the best candidates for hair transplant. If you still have hair growing anywhere around the scalp flaps hair transplantation can be easy and effective.

Scalp reduction surgery is a popular balding solution to cure the baldness caused by flaking scalps. It can be done in conjunction with hair transplants and involves surgically removing of a portion of the balding area, which causes the bald spot to be smaller. This means that there are fewer areas to graft to the head during a hair transplant.

Scalp flap is an invasive procedure that involves surgically removing a portion of healthy scalp and hair from the back or sides of the head and transplanting it on the bald areas. This creates a new hairline for the males who suffer from male pattern baldness. Scalp flaps are usually performed on patients who have complete balding in the front area of the scalp. Those candidates whose hair is just beginning to thin or is thinning in patches in random areas spanning the head may want to choose a different type of treatment.

Balding Solution for Men and Women

Androgenetic alopecia (male and female pattern balding) is by far the most common cause of hair loss amongst men and a serious problem for many women. There are three important components which are responsible for both female and male balding:

1. A genetic predisposition for balding to occur.

2. Excessive presence of male hormones.

3. Aging – enough time for the first two factors to occur.

Both men and women produce male hormones that have a useful role to play in both sexes; but the fact that androgens occur in much higher concentrations in men explains why male pattern baldness is more common than the female balding.

DHT the root cause of hair loss
It is metabolism of male hormones (androgen/testosterone) which is main cause of hair loss and male and female pattern balding both in men and women.

The metabolism of androgen involves an enzyme called 5 alpha reductase which combines with the hormone (testosterone) and converts it to DHT (Dihydro-testosterone). DHT is a natural metabolite of our body.

The cause of male and female pattern balding
Some individuals, both men and women, are genetically pre-disposed to produce more DHT than the normal individuals. It is this accumulation of DHT and its effect on the cells inside the hair follicle and root which is one of the primary causes of male and female pattern balding.

When DHT gets into the hair follicle and root, especially a region called the dermal papilla, it changes the cell› activity and prevents necessary proteins, vitamins and minerals from providing nourishment needed to sustain life in the hairs of those follicles. Consequently, hair follicles are reproduced at a much slower rate. This shortens their growing stage (anagen phase) and or lengthens their resting stage (telogen phase) of the follicle. DHT also causes hair follicle to shrink and get progressively smaller and finer. This process is known as miniaturization and causes the hair to ultimately fall. DHT induced androgenetic aloepcia is responsible for 95% of all hair loss.

Blocking the synthesis of DHT at the molecular level forms the basis for the treatment of MPHL (male pattern hair loss) and FPHL (female pattern hair loss). There are many natural DHT blockers and a number of drugs which are used for medical hair restoration.

Bald Heads

Over the ages, baldness has been considered a disease. Lately, it has also been followed as a fashion. However, greater numbers of people still feel that a head covered by hair is always more attractive than a bald one.

Every month, hair grows by about 1 inch. Normally, around 85% of the hair on your head is always in the growing phase at any time, and 15% is not. Five years is the maximum amount of time for which hair normally lives. Considering these statistics, it is difficult to understand the causes of hair loss, which might be more apparent in a few of us.

The follicle is a cavity in the skin where the hair sits. In cases of hair loss this follicle shrinks over time, thereby causing shorter and thinner hair. The final result could be a very tiny follicle with no hair in it. Usually the hair grows back, but for people who are already balding, the follicle is unable to grow a new hair.

Peladic is a disease which leads to hair loss. Some people are repelled at the sight of a bald head, and fear going bald themselves. This fear is called peladophobia.

In the dating arena, some women feel very strongly against men with bald heads, and insist that dating a bald guy is almost next to impossible. However, many women do not mind dating a man with a purposely shaved head. It’s almost like dating on the basis of your capability to grow more hair on your head.

Back Hair Laser Removal

Are you a victim of back hair? Does your wife or girlfriend cringe when you take off your shirt? There may be help for you with laser back hair removal.

Laser hair removal is a trend that is sweeping the country. With improvements in laser technology, these procedures are safer and less expensive than ever, and the results are longlasting. Most treatments use a very low level laser that is targets the affected area. The energy of the laser enters the pigment in the hair and causes the shaft to heat up, killing the hair. The follicle is also rendered ineffective, stunting new hair growth. Although the hair follicle deactivated, the surrounding skin is unharmed by the procedure.

Of course, this treatment has many applications for men and women, but one of the most popular is back hair laser removal. Previously, men had to undergo painful waxing, smelly dilapitory chemicals or shaving their backs to eliminate the hair that so many women find distasteful.

Of course, the type and amount of hair will determine how much your procedure costs. Darker or olive skinned patients will require more treatments than natural blondes, and hair thickness and density varies widely. Different lasers are even used to treat different skin color groups, so be sure to ask if your treatment center can handle your needs. Prices typically start at about $200-225, but back hair laser removal can run much higher, due to the larger area being treated. You should also expect to return for several treatments, as hair is removed in certain parts of the growth cycle only.

Although it may seem initially expensive, back hair removal using laser treatments is actually cost effective in the long run. Typically the hair does not regrow, and most centers offer touch ups for the few that do, as part of the package. If your back hair is an embarrassing problem, invest in yourself and try hair laser removal for your back!

aveda hair products

What do you use on your precious dew day-in and day-out? These days there are enough hair products to rebuild the Twin Towers. Virtually anything you desire is probably available. But how can you tell which products are good and which ones are poor? This is an excellent query if I do say so myself. Well, it all begins with knowledge. Hey what doesn’t begin with this? I’d say knowledge is the key to everything. Regardless, in this day and age you can acquire essential knowledge from the privacy of your own home. I’m addressing the World-Wide-Web. It takes exactly two minutes to learn all you need to know. Okay, well it only takes that long to find the data. That’s a lot more than what can be said about the local library. So, you have the starting point. Now it’s time to do a little recon work on Biolage, Redkin, Paul Mitchell, and aveda hair products. See if the top dogs are worth the cash.

I recently did some checking on hair care products. The ever-popular aveda hair products were at the top of my list. I wanted to look into this line especially since I love the scent. Now, you may be a tad shocked at what I found out. It all started with the Aveda store. I strolled in there one day in search of shampoo and conditioner for my wife. Instantly I was in love with the fragrance. It’s a pleasant blend of plant essences and herbs. This made we want their products. It’s truly astonishing how much we humans love to smell things. If something smells phenomenal, we’ll take it. So I purchased a few aveda hair products. The Shampur shampoo, the Shampur conditioner and the gel-wax. All smell awesome. I gave them to my wife as a gift and she was stoked. This is one lady who goes gaga over hair products. Later I decided to look on the net for reviews. I found a variety of opinions regarding aveda hair products. More particularly, Shampur shampoo. Not all of these reviews were good. A few women couldn’t gripe enough about the products. They claimed that Shampur made their hair fall out. UH OH! Then again, many other women called it the best shampoo money can buy. I talked to my wife and she said it was great as well. Apparently it’s just not for everyone.

The key here is research and possibly experimentation. If you want aveda hair products, then give them a worthy shot. If they do not live up to their name and price tag, then discard them. This is pretty much the only way to see if they’re right for you.

Attention Shoppers

Have you ever been shopping in a busy mall, stopped to look at something only to discover that in the brief time it took to do so, your child has wandered away from you? If in reading this question you are able to answer no, you undoubtedly know someone who has been in this situation.

Each minute, somewhere in the country, a parent is separated from their child.
These separations sometimes last only a few seconds; in other instances they last much longer, causing the store to go into a lock-down situation. The truth of the matter is, wherever there are large crowds; parades, country fairs, busy city streets etc., young children will inevitably become separated from their parents.

In speaking with hundreds of parents a week, though the situations and circumstances may vary slightly, we hear the same scary tale over and over again. The end result is always the same.

Panic in its purest form, 100% pure unadulterated panic.

In situations when the child is not located within a few moments, the parent will be asked by either a store employee, security staff or even a police officer to provide an accurate description of the lost child, as well as what the child was wearing at the time.
In a similar situation, when in a state of panic, would you be able to provide an accurate description of your child?

Let’s be honest with ourselves, all young children look more or less the same! With the exception of the color of their skin, hair and eyes, all young children are short, cute, have big beautiful eyes and a few missing teeth. Add to this the fact that in this situation, most parents do not remember what their child was wearing at the time.

Most parents, often the mother, carry their children’s identification in the form of Medicare information and Social Insurance cards. However, very few fathers carry any of their child’s specific identification. As proud fathers, they have one if not several pictures of their child. However, as the child grows older, those pictures are updated less and less frequently.

When looking for a child id provider, find one whose program includes wallet-sized identification profile cards for your children. These profile cards will allow you to list your child’s specific identification, including a recent picture. One thing to keep in mind is that children grow like weeds, so you will want to find a program that provides you with an unlimited supply. This will allow you to update them as required. A good rule of thumb is to update the information and picture every three months until children reach the age of three, and at least once a year thereafter.

When reading this, please don’t think that because your child is rarely out of your sight, this could never happen to you. When arriving at the scene, this is inevitably the first thing the responding police officers hear from the parents. These situations occur not out of neglect, but due to everyday situations that are completely out of our control.

The pro-active and preventative measures you have taken as a responsible parent, to ensure your a child’s safety, will be invaluable in helping you to provide the authorities with accurate information when time is of the essence, should you ever find yourself in a similar situation.

Do not procrastinate! Remember the Boy Scout motto “Always be prepared”. Make sure that both parents never leave home without their child’s identification.

Would you leave home without yours?

At Home Hair Removal

There are some more at home options for hair removal that you should consider. You will find these to provide you with a good quality finish. To choose, look at your conditions as well as your preferences.

Waxing: A Small Pain Goes A Long Way

Waxing is an effective method of hair removal that will last several weeks. You can purchase at home kits to help you to do it. You’ll apply a thin coating of wax, allow it to dry and then rip it away. Yes, it hurts a bit but that is only going to last a second. And, you’ll be able to take advantage of the hair free beauty for a while afterwards.

Bleaching: Hide It

While you will not be actually removing hair, you will be able to hide it carefully. Bleaching is a chemical reaction which will remove the color from the hair allowing it to blend in with your skin. You can purchase bleaching products for the hair above your lip or in other areas as well. Make sure to follow the directions of the product that you use. It is also important to note that tanned skin can cause bleached hair to stand out.

Abrasives: A Little Elbow Grease

If you have fine hair, then abrasives can be the right method for you to remove hair. You will use an abrasive stone, pumice mostly. By rubbing the stone to the skin in a circular motion, you will lightly remove the hair without damaging your skin. Although you’ll see some redness afterwards, it will likely go away quickly. And, the results of abrasives will last up to three weeks.

Electrolysis: The Home Version

There are several home electrolysis products that you can purchase. Careful purchasing can lead to the best results. While these products promise permanent hair removal, they are hard to use and do not always provide this. They are not as effective as professional services, but far less costly. You’ll want a blunt needed version. This will get placed inside the follicle. Products called Electric Tweezers do not work nearly as well. You’ll need to make sure that the hair is in a growing cycle and follow the directions provided carefully. A small area of at a time should be attempted. It will take you a long while and it will not be as pain free as you may think.

Hair removal can happen at home. There are many methods and ways that you can effectively get rid of unwanted hair that is throughout the areas of your body that you do not want it to be. While there are many options, it is completely up to you, your preferences and your budget to determine which the right one to go with is.

Home Hair Removal

You can successfully remove unwanted hair from your body from home. If you have thought about products that are overly expensive, laser treatments as well as unsightly treatments, then you may not need to. There are many at home remedies that actually can help you.

Tips For Shaving

For Men: One of the best places to shave is the shower. The goal is to soften the skin which will help the hair to stand up enough for you to get a close shave. You can also take full advantage of the many products available including gels and creams. To help, make sure that you use a good quality razor and that you keep it clean and dry between uses. This will help you to keep cuts to a minimum. Afterwards, rinse with cold water and if you like use an after shave.

For The Ladies: Just like the men, there are many things that you can do to improve the quality of your shave. For example, if you hold the razor at the right angle you will get a closer shave. Softening the skin with warm water, lotions or shaving gels can also help. If you would like to cut the costs, use conditioner instead of these creams. It can do the same job for much less of the cost. You can shave any area of the body, with most women shaving their legs and underarms about twice per week or more depending on the need.

Tweezing: Another Option

Using clean tweezers, you can easily pluck away stray hairs or shape the eyebrow. You should not use them on nose hairs, though as it can cause an infection. To do so, pull the hair in the same direction as it grows. You have no need for creams as these can block pores. In most cases, you can go about two weeks between tweezing sessions.

Depilatories: Another Option

Here, you’ll want to make sure that you take the time to follow the directions provided on the containers of depilatories. You need to insure you are not allergic and you need to insure that you pay close attention to the time frame. If you leave these products on too long or use them when you should not, you are likely to suffer from a rash or burn. You can use these about every other month to your desired results. You’ll want to try to use them after you have taken a shower or bath so that the hair is soft and easily removed.

These options for at home hair removal are options that you can easily do and benefit from. Take the time to learn a little bit more about them, purchase the products needed and get rid of unwanted hair.

Are hair loss treatments just one big scam

The hair loss industry is not one that inspires great confidence in most people. I have to admit this is perfectly understandable given the damage caused by the many rogues and charlatans who have abused the trust of far too many vulnerable people – people who have received worthless and even dangerous products or advice in exchange for their hard earned cash. The end result is the prevalance of a stigma that the industry is hard pressed to shake off.

But is this perception really justified nowadays? Are there no genuine treatments that sufferers can turn to in a bid to treat the ravages of premature hair loss? The simple answer is YES, there are several safe, affordable, accessible and effective hair loss treatments currently available. Some have even been approved by FDA for the treatment of hair loss conditions while others draw on natural remedies as the basis for commercially available products. Whether or not any of them are suitable for a given individual depends on a number of important factors.

First and foremost, every individual must determine the exact cause or causes of his or her hair loss. This may appear to be an over-simplistic statement but the truth is, most people undergoing a course of treatment for hair loss have proceeded on the basis of self-diagnosis. Given the fact that premature or excessive hair loss is often associated with underlying medical conditions, this is perhaps not the most sensible course of action.

My advice in all cases is to seek the guidance of a qualified medical practitioner because the consequences of not doing so may be serious in a small number of cases. Even where all the evidence points to the onset of hereditary male pattern baldness it would probably be best to seek advice, if only to rule out other factors.

Once the cause of hair loss has been properly diagnosed you will be in a position to choose a suitable form of treatment. This may range from the prescription of drugs aimed at balancing disrupted hormone levels to the topical application of minoxidil to reduce the symptoms of male pattern baldness.

Hair loss may be caused by many factors including changing hormone levels, illness, stress, overuse of strong chemicals, excessive traction, poor grooming practices, side effects of medical treatment, poor nutrition, weak immune system and the effects of aging. The good news is, all of these can be tackled with reasonable hope of success but only if you choose the right treatment.

The next article in this series will look closely at the various causes of excessive hair loss and outline suggested treatments that are both affordable and accessible. If you take only two things from this article, please take these suggestions on board:

1. Always seek the advice of your physician before undergoing a hair loss treatment regime.

2. Don’t despair, there’s often a simple explanation for excessive hair loss and even hereditary loss or male pattern-type baldness can be treated successfully for most people nowadays.

Hair Transplant Surgery

Are Women Good Candidates for Hair Transplant Surgery?

Balding is not just a men’s problem; women often lose hair as they get older as well. You might wonder, if that is the case, why more women do not have hair transplant surgery. You may be surprised to know that many women are not good candidates.

Women usually have a different type of hair loss than men. Male pattern baldness uncovers parts of the top of the head. However, the sides and back of the head are usually covered with healthy balding-resistant hair follicles.

Men with this pattern of balding will have donor hair that survives the hair transplant process and flourishes long afterward. That is because a naturally-occurring enzyme in the body combines with testosterone to create a chemical called DHT. This chemical is responsible for the hair loss on the tops of men’s heads when they have male pattern baldness.

However, it does not affect the back and sides of their hair in most cases. These areas have healthy hair follicles and make excellent donor sites for hair transplant surgery. These are called stable sites because they remain unchanged over time rather than shrinking like the hair follicles affected by DHT do.

Female pattern baldness is different. In most cases, they do not have large areas of stable balding-resistant hair follicles. The sides and back of their hair tends to thin just as the front and top of the head do. The DHT affects all the areas of their hair.

Any hair follicles that are affected by DHT will simply fall out if they are moved by hair transplant procedures. Moving them from one place to another does not affect the basic nature of the hair follicle.

Also, women do not have the problem of receding hairlines in most cases. Their hair is lost in a more diffuse manner, thinning uniformly all over the head. It is not so much where their hair is that is the problem, but how much they have. Hair transplant surgery will not correct this problem. It is best used to move hair from one place to another.

There is a very small percentage – about 5% of all women with baldness problems – who are good candidates for hair transplant surgery. The thing that all these women have in common is that they all have healthy areas of hair follicles that can be used as donor sites.

For example, women with mechanical or traction Alopecia have lost their hair because they have scratched their head for a long period of time, they have used tight rollers or their hair has been pulled or stretched in any manner. These women almost always have an area of their hair that is unaffected. If they do, they can have hair transplant procedures.

Some women have cosmetic surgery and suffer hair loss around the incision sites. In these cases, hair transplant surgery can help. Other women actually have a pattern of hair loss that is similar to male pattern baldness. These women are able to have the surgery, too.

Finally, women who have suffered trauma from accidents or burns are good candidates for hair transplant procedures. If you are a woman with balding problems, is worth the time to consult with a doctor to find out if you are one of the women who can benefit from hair transplant surgery.

Antioxidant Food Supplements

Antioxidant supplements play a protective role for our general health including the health of our hair. Antioxidants supplements are supposed to slow down the oxidation reactions which are brought about by the free radicals. The Free radicals are highly reactive unstable atoms generated in our body that can damage cells leading to a number of diseases and ageing.According to the Free-radical theory of aging, these highly reactive oxygen species (ROS), damage the DNA, proteins and other cellular structures like the cell membranes and cell organelles.

The reaction of free radicals within cells, and subsequent damage has been linked to a range of disorders and chronic diseases including cancer, arthritis, atherosclerosis, alzheimer’s and diabetes and inflammatory conditions
Antioxidants are able to slow down or block these dangerous reactions in the body. They do it either by reacting with intermediates and halting the oxidation reaction directly. They react with the free radicals and prevent the oxidation reaction from occurring.

Antioxidants supplements can be taken as dietary supplements or taken as tablets and capsules. Studies suggest those dietary antioxidants supplements provide a range of are benefits for our health. However, excess antioxidant supplementation may be counter-productive. Diet carrying antioxidant supplements A healthy and balanced diet containing antioxidant supplements plays a pivotal role in retaining your hair’s health. Some of the herbal nutrition supplements and some fruits which contain antioxidants serve as natural medications for hair loss.

Antioxidant food supplements are found in various forms – vegetables, fruits, grain cereals, legumes, nuts, etc.
The sources of antioxidants include fruits (berries and peppers, apple skins, cider, wine), vegetables (spinach, tea leaves), fungi (mushrooms), whole grain cereals (hops, barley, millet and maize), nuts (pecans, pistachios, almonds), beans (cacao including chocolate, coffee). Polyphenol antioxidants This type of antioxidant is characterized by the presence of several phenol functions. It is found in a wide array of phytonutrient-bearing foods. Examples include – most of the legumes; fruits like apples, blackberries, cantaloupe, cherries, cranberries, grapes, pears, plums, raspberries, and strawberries; vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, celery, onion and parsley. All the above are rich sources of polyphenol antioxidants.Alternative sources of polyphenol antioxidant include red wine, chocolate, green tea, olive oil, bee pollen and several grains. Antioxidant vitaminsSome of the vitamins that are good sources of antioxidants,. the antioxidant vitamins are–vitamins A, C and E.

Vitamin A
The animal form of vitamin A is retinol. It is a yellow, fat-soluble antioxidant vitamin found in animal foods such as eggs, liver, whole milk and fortified foods like fat-reduced milk, cereals and breads. Vitamin A, are the dark-colored pigments found in plant foods like fruits and vegetables (especially dark green leafy ones) and include spinach, cantaloupe, carrots, sweet potatoes and squash.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant helpful in maintaining healthy hair. Sources of this vitamin are foods such as citrus fruits, kiwi, pineapple, tomatoes, green peppers, potatoes with their skins and dark green vegetables. The daily recommended dose for vitamin C is 60 mg.

Vitamin E
It increases scalp circulation which is crucial for hair growth. You get vitamin E from foods like wheat germ oil, soybeans, raw seeds ad nuts, dried beans and leafy green vegetables. The daily recommended dose for vitamin E is up to 400 IU.

Andropause and Hair Loss

Andropause and hair loss often go hand in hand. Imagine clumps of hair falling off your head, or observing strands of once healthy hair collecting in the shower drain. Maybe you run your hand through your hair and feel it thinning. It can feel daunting and quite scary.

Typically, hair loss is a result of an imbalance of male testosterone hormone in the body. Instead of infusing the hair with healthy testosterone, enzymes break it down to a simpler form known as dihydrotestosterone.

An excess of this hormone has the effect of decreasing the size of hair follicles which eventually break down and make your hair fall off sporadically. The medical condition that is best associated with hair loss in Andropause sufferers is hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is a by-product of decreasing levels of Human Growth Hormone, which is responsible for regulating our aging process. Andropause sufferers’ hormones have a profound effect on the rate and consistency of hair loss. Dihydrotestosterone (considered by medical circles the strongest, most potent form of testosterone) is responsible for building and growing body hair in men (at normal levels – an excess causes hair degeneration.)

This includes body hair, pubic hair, head hair, armpit hair – any hair. DHT is directly produced in the skin, made to work by supporting enzymes that break it down for distribution throughout the body. DHT levels are present more in certain areas of the body than in others – explaining why we may have a full crop of hair on our heads and little bushes of hair on our chests and backs. Realize, women also have DHT in their bodies but produce less of it.

That explains why women don’t have body hair. Case in point: an excess of DHT is prevalent in Andropause sufferers, explaining the reason for hair loss. The enzyme used to break down testosterone to dihydrotestosterone is ¨over activated¨ – working too hard and too fast.

This is the primary cause for this Andropausal condition. As aforementioned, dihydrotestosterone is present more in certain areas of the body than in others. For this reason, men’s hair can fall into funny patterns. You know, the balding train station clerk you might have seen with more hair on his scalp than the top of his head. The shrinking of hair follicles as a result of the production of DHT is attributed to this.

How hair grows is a wondrous thing in itself that needs to be recognized. Typically, hair grows at a rate of a quarter inch every 2 weeks. Andropause sufferers have their ¨hair growth cycles¨ disrupted when there is erratic growth of some hair strands where ¨new¨ hair pushed ¨old¨ hair out. Because Andropause is a period of hormonal imbalance, a lack of hormonal stability and poor homeostasis (holistic balance) in the body pushes things out of whack.

If you want to maintain healthy strands of hair, one thing you can do is hit that stair climber machine fellas! Exercise reverses the aging process and may certainly reverse this symptom. There are also hair loss products that can help you recapture your hair.

Secondary causes of hair loss in men suffering Andropause is stress. More specifically, stress raises the levels of cortisol and cortisone (known as stress hormones) in the body. Eating non-nutritional foods also speeds up hair loss.
Pretty much any activity that speeds up the aging process will speed up your hair loss.

Stay away from caffeinated drinks, fast foods, and cigarette smoking to keep running your hands through your thick mane longer. Participate in recreational activities to reduce stress and light up your life with a proper exercise regimen.
If you’re suffering from this condition, don’t let it affect you in the least bit! Andropause should not serve as a punishment – rather, a realization of a future for the better.

The information in this article is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice.

All You Need to Know about Hair

Hair sample drug testing is a great way to detect whether or not a person has used drugs in the past 90 days. Whether in an office format or in the home, hair drug testing serves the purpose of answering questions about an individual’s drug use history.

How Does Hair Follicle Drug Testing Work?

Hair drug testing is actually quite simple and merely requires a sample of hair in order to be completed. Parents who are worried about their teen’s use of drugs can collect a strand of hair from their pillow. Employers can request a sample from their employees. Once a hair sample has been collected, it is sealed in an envelope and sent to a participating laboratory for completion. Hair testing is fast and more accurate than other drug test forms.

For instance, hair sample drug testing can detect drug use for up to 90 days after use. The detection window is much larger in hair drug testing (compare it to few days for urine and saliva based drug testing) because trace amounts of drug chemicals become trapped inside each hair. A simple lab test can detect these trace chemicals making for either a positive or negative test result. Once the results are recorded, you are sent notification of the results. Some companies even provide a phone service where you call in, enter an account number and retrieve the results in that way.

What Kinds of Drugs Can Hair Drug Testing Detect?

Hair sample drug testing can detect all of the major types of drugs, including marijuana, opiates, methamphetamines, PCP, ecstasy, and cocaine. Hair follicle drug testing can detect the trace amounts of illicit substances trapped in the cortex of the hair for up to 90 days after use.

Employee drug testing programs often incorporate hair follicle drug testing into their plans because of the sheer accuracy of these tests. Even though hair testing is more expensive that a urine drug test kit, for example, they can provide a level of accuracy that is nearly ten times that of other testing methods. Likewise, hair follicle drug testing does not involve the embarrassing collection of samples like that of urine or saliva drug tests. A single strand of hair is all that is needed to obtain accurate results.

Parents can also benefit from hair sample drug testing. Hair testing is discrete and confidential. An individual can be tested without their knowledge, making it so parents can know the truth about their teen’s drug use first before making accusations. By using hair drug testing in the home, parents can safeguard their teens against drug abuse, and help them quit the abuse should test results come back positive.

All There Is About Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is, technically speaking, epilation by laser or with the use of a special light. Besides the body, certain types of laser hair removal may safely be used to reduce facial hair as well. The laser (or light) of a particular wavelength is used to cause damage to dark elements in hair follicles. These elements are referred to as chromophores. They can be artificially produced or naturally occurring.

Today, most techniques target naturally occurring chromophores, in particular, melanin. Melanin gives colour to both hair and skin. Of the former, there are two types: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Eumelanin gives a brown or black colour. The latter gives a blonde or red colour. Since the dark matter in hair follicles are the target, only the former – darker – type of hair is suitable for this procedure.

While laser hair removal became a commercial cosmetic procedure about 10 years ago, it has been experimented with well before then. In fact, medical lasers have been used to remove dark spots, acne scars, other types of skin blemishes and even tattoos. The point about laser hair removal is that, it’s not permanent. In fact, in countries like the U.S., the FDA prohibits the advertisement of FDA-approved laser treatments to be described as a method of «permanent removal». Hence, use of the term «permanent reduction» or laser hair reduction to describe the procedure.

A more realistic description of laser hair removal is the «permanent reduction» of hair. It should be noted that, it’s sometimes required to have multiple sessions of laser treatment over a certain period of time to achieve this goal. There is also no guarantee that ALL of the hair in the area treated will be reduced. To actually guarantee genuine permanent hair removal is to risk genuine scarring.

Ideally, the first thing the individual should do is to consult a qualified dermatologist. They should be able to advise on the suitability of the procedure. In any event, results will be most noticeable on light skinned individuals with dark hair. A lot more care will need to be taken, if the procedure is done on darker skinned and/or tanned individuals.

What you should be careful about
As noted above, one is well advised to avoid establishments that make false claims. The following are some of the more popular ones:
There is absolutely no pain or it’s virtually painless. It is for many without needing any relief from the pain, but not for everyone.
The safe, permanent removal of hair. Again, the safe goal is hair reduction. Permanent removal is possible with scarring.
No re-growth of hair whatsoever. To date, there has been no real, genuine, qualified and objective evidence to support this claim.
It’s «laser electrolysis» or «lasertrolysis». Hair reduction via electrolysis is completely different from reduction via the use of a laser. Both have their pros and cons, in terms of suitability and effectiveness.
In the end, it’s best to consult a qualified dermatologist first.

Hair is a wonderful thing

Humans love this natural feature, whether they are male or female. This is why it’s such a bummer if your follicles ever fall out, hence leaving you hairless up top. One thing I’ve noticed is how different races have different types of hair. This is great in my opinion. Diversity is what makes the world beautiful. Take African American hair for example. Although I never really though of it as different from my own as a child, I soon learned other wise. As my best friend from high school put it, «White folks have different hair than we do. We have to work to make ours soft.» This was peculiar to me at the time, but of course isn’t any more. I’ve actually come to notice differences in many races and their hair types and styles over the years.

The weave is very common with African American hair. This is a way to alter and add to the dew you already have. Maybe you want a different color weaved in or a longer style. It can all be done. One style I’ve always loved regarding African American hair is corn rows. It just doesn’t work the same when other races do it. Now, for those of you who don’t have a clue, African American hair is drier and coarser in general. Not to mention curlier. This is why black men may suffer a little more with razor bumps. No, it has nothing to do with your poor shaving habits. It’s actually related more to the curly coarseness of your beard. Since the whiskers are so curly, they tend to turn back up under the skin easier, hence causing razor bumps. You may want to try an electric or clippers instead of a blade.

We should all appreciate and embrace the hair we’re given. Work with what you have. Forget about everyone else. This is what my mother always told me. Whether you have Asian, Caucasian or African American hair doesn’t matter. With the salon technology available now days, you can alter your hair style and color to any way, shape or form you please. If you do have African American hair, it is prudent to visit a stylist who’s familiar with African American hair and styles. This will ensure better results.

African American Hair Texture

African American hair comes in an almost infinite variety of textures, from curly to woolly, from kinky to wavy, from natural and thick to straight and sleek. But whatever its texture, Black African American hair is a gift that reflects both our beauty and our ancestry. Unfortunately, though, it’s often next to impossible to feel good about our hair. Why? Because it feels like we’re constantly at war with it.

The Basics

At some point in her life (or many times throughout her life!) virtually every woman wrestles with the question of natural versus relaxed/permed. There are advantages and disadvantages to each, but whatever the choice, it’s crucial to take care of your locks.

Good hair care starts from the inside out. That means eating a balanced diet to give your body all the nutrients it needs in order to grow the healthiest hair possible. It also means drinking plenty of water, to give your hair (and skin) much-needed moisture.

The Comb/Brush

The next critical element of hair care – regardless of your hair’s texture – is using the proper comb/brush. The truth is, the vast majority of combs and brushes are made for non-African American hair. The ideal tool for our hair is a combination comb/brush that is designed so that the teeth easily slide under our coiled hair texture. It’s like a detangler that works by rolling out the hair instead of pulling it out. In the process, it naturally conditions and relaxes hair, making it soft and easy to style or braid. This kind of comb/brush also keeps our hair healthy and helps prevent breakage.

Next Steps

In addition to having the proper comb/brush, there are several other things you can do to help prevent breakage. First, use heat sparingly, especially if your hair is permed. Second, don’t wash your hair too often – every seven to ten days is ideal. When you do wash it, use a leave-in conditioner. In between, rinse your hair once or twice a week (and especially after a workout), and use a conditioner every day. And, don’t neglect your monthly deep conditioning treatment.

Embrace Your Texture

The hairstyles you choose will change over the course of your lifetime, but the best hair care advice is to embrace your natural texture and work with it. Hair that is naturally curly will act very differently than hair that is naturally woolly. Similarly, super-kinky hair will respond in a different way to treatments than naturally wavy hair.

When you work with the texture you have, you can still have a variety of style choices available to you. But the key is that you won’t be constantly fighting nature; instead, you’ll be working with the African American texture you were born with and maximizing its beauty. In the process, you’ll have less breakage and healthier hair. The result? You’ll feel more beautiful and project that self-confidence to the world. What could be better?

Affordable Hair Transplants

While opting for an affordable hair transplant keep these 10 tips in your mind. And I am sure you will never go with a wrong decision in choosing the right hair transplant center for you:

1. Consistent Results

With dense-packed follicular unit hair transplantation and microscopic graft preparation, natural, finished and reliable results can be achieved. So prefer a hair transplant center with these facilities.

2.Affordable hair transplant:

A high hair transplant cost does not guarantee you the best results, it is imperative for you to have knowledge of hair transplantation restoration procedures and costs and know what is applicable to you. You can go for an affordable hair transplant only after a comprehensive decision with other patients.

3. Quality Control

Every step of your hair transplantation should be performed with the highest standards, with full attention from start to finish to ensure that you achieve good results.

4. Choose least time consuming clinic

You should choose a hair transplant center and specially a qualified surgeon who can place your grafts close enough to finish a specific area of head in one surgical session. This will make hair transplant less time-consuming, more convenient, and ultimately less expensive for you.

5. Microscopic Dissection

It will be better if you choose a clinic equipped with modern technologies of hair transplant like Binocular stereoscopic dissecting microscope. Every single graft is prepared in a meticulous manner by using microscopic magnification. All follicular unit hair transplantation will provide you natural and superior results and preserve your donor’s hair also.

6. Total Patient Comfort

Hair replacement center should be comfortable for patients undergoing hair replacement. Choose a replacement center where recreation facilities are also available like listening to music or watching movies.

7. Experience

Before going to a hair replacement center you should check their prior performance and experience in the related field.

8. Dedications and Commitment

Dedication and commitment of doctors is also necessary for a good treatment. You should try to find a hair replacement clinic with well-qualified and dedicated doctors.

9. Recognition

Before going for a treatment check the recognition of the hair replacement clinic. Are they following world-class procedures for hair replacement? Are they really affordable or too expensive?

10. Do not go for fake advertisements-make a research by yourself. Find the center with affordable hair transplant over the internet and then enquire personally.

Advancement in Hair Transplantation

A standard hair transplantation procedure involves the removal of donor strip of hair from the back of the head from where the follicular unit grafts are dissected under a microscope. These grafts are then preserved in saline and are then transplanted on a bald patch on the crown area of the scalp.

Given the time consuming and tedious nature of this procedure, a hair transplant surgeon is often able to transplant only about 500 to 600 follicular unit grafts per day. However, thanks to the recent hair transplant advances, this technique is often replaced by the follicular unit extraction (FUE). The cost per graft of FUE is typically twice the cost of the standard follicular unit hair transplant procedure discussed above but it is comparatively faster and minimally invasive.

Some hair transplant advances

In a typical FUE procedure a small round punch is made in the donor area to directly extract 1, 2, 3 and 4 hair follicular unit grafts. The follicular units extracted using this process is typically referred to as «blunt dissection» where a punch is made to envelope the entire follicular unit separating it from the surrounding soft tissues.

Once the underlying follicular unit is separated from the surrounding tissues, it is easily extracted using a small forceps. The small holes left behind after the follicular unit extraction gradually heal over the next few days and are not detectable to the naked eye once the patient’s hair grows out. The healing time is much less than the donor strip extraction procedure.

While the FUE procedure has been adopted by most hair transplant clinics, the standard strip excision method is still the most popular hair transplant procedure because it is more economical than the FUE.

Moreover, due to some recent hair transplant advances such as the use of trichophytic closure technique, the linear donor scar created by the strip excision procedure is now often rendered almost undetectable to the naked eye. This advancement in the hair transplantation technique has made FUE procedure relatively less appealing.

Hair transplantation research

Besides the hair transplant advances in the transplantation procedures, a lot of research is also underway to clone the hair. If the hair transplantation research is successful it will be possible to make several copies of donor hair in the laboratory. The application of this technique would be used in the form of hair transplantation. In the traditional procedures, the biggest limitation is often the donor which is not able to meet required density. However, hair cloning promises to overcome this problem by having the amount of hair required to be grown in a laboratory from a single donor hair and then implanting it into the scalp.

Hair transplantation research for cloning is very difficult and there are many hurdles that have to be overcome regarding the safety and cosmetic characteristics of the cloned hair. Some hair transplantation research has also provided breakthrough for some hair loss medication like Dutasteride.

About hair loss

The hair loss on account of any specific reason like medication, abnormal hormone levels or infection of scalp can be treated. The most troublesome and the most common forms of baldness is the common male/female baldness in which the hair recedes along the temples and the forehead in case of men and recedes in density all over in case of women. Such baldness is usually genetic. Genetic baldness is usually caused by an enzyme alpha reductase that converts testosterone to dehydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT leads to shrinking of hair follicles. This results in generation of thinner and weaker strands of hair that fall off very quickly.
The special herbal hair care product Renew contains a group of herbs that provide overall scalp and hair root nutrition and also help in the control of dandruff. The special herbs in Renew help in stopping hair follicle shrinkage. Regular use leads to reversal of shrinkage and hair gain. Renew is helpful in all kinds of hair loss situations.
Renew is available in the form a hair oil that has to be applied locally. Local application means that unlike when systemic hair loss medicines like Fenasteride and dutasteride, hair growth does not happen in undesirable areas like the back or the bums.
Massaging of hair and scalp with Renew provides additional nutrition to the scalp and prevents hair loss. Massaging also increases the blood circulation in the scalp and this keeps the hair roots strong.
Part your hair and apply Renew all over the scalp, massage the scalp gently with fingers in a circular motion so that the oil gets absorbed into the scalp. Leave for an hour and then wash with mild shampoo if required. Alternatively you could apply Renew to your hair and scalp before going to sleep and then wash your hair in the morning.
Renew has no known side effects.
Each 10 ml of Renew oil contains:

Eclipta Alba 3%
Herpestis/Bacopa Monnieria 2%
Emblica officinalis 2%
Cyperus scariosus 1%
Vetiveria zizanioides 1%
Santalum album 1%
Pongamia glabra 1%
Crataeva nurvala 0.5%
Abrus precatorius 0.5%
Glycyrrhiza glabra 0.5%
Nardostachys jatamansi 0.5%
Valeriana jatamansi 0.5%

Woman’s Guide to Waxing Unwanted Hair

It’s tough to be beautiful. There’s the curling, the scrubbing, the coloring, the endless work, toil and sweat. It can also be painful. What woman hasn’t suffered from a too-hot curling iron or too-sharp razor? But at the top of the list we find waxing. An essential task, to be sure, but also dicey. You want to make sure it’s done right, quickly and will be effective with a minimum of pain.

Waxing is a relatively simply process, really. Think «wax on, wax off», and you’ll likely get the idea. Hot wax is applied to the area that needs hair removal, then quickly pulled off and unwanted hairs go with the wax. It can be fairly painful, but the pain is quick and the wax process, fortunately, doesn’t need to be repeated very often.

Herewith are various types of waxes, from a lesser «ouch» factor to a mighty «ouch»!

*Eyebrow (ouch factor of 2) – Eyebrow waxing is a type of waxing you can do yourself at home, though it’s never a bad idea to consult a professional. If you are going to wax your eyebrows yourself, you should always wax from below the eyebrow, not above. Take very little hair off at a time, and be careful of the hot wax being so close to your face. Because the skin above the eye is so sensitive, it’s really recommended you consult a professional for this task.

*Full Face (ouch factor 2) – This involves removing the facial hair you might have around the mouth, cheeks, jaw and chin. You can do this yourself, perhaps even make the wax yourself, but again, experts recommend using a professional since the facial skin is so delicate.

*Legs (ouch factor 3-4) – This is probably the method of waxing most women are familiar with. In the summer, many women choose leg waxing as the preferred method for hair removal since it is generally considered superior to shaving and saves time in those busy summer months – a good leg wax can last as long as 8 weeks.

*Bikini (ouch factor 8-10+) – The big daddy of waxing, the various types of bikini waxes are not for the faint of heart. They are for women who want clean, cool nether regions for summer, and aren’t too modest, since they should only be done by a trained and experienced professional. There are a few different types:

*Bikini – The basic bikini wax involves removing the pubic hair around the bikini panty line. This is delicate territory, so it’s recommended you take an ibuprofen an hour or so before getting it done. But since there are more involved bikini waxes, we’ll give this one an 8 on the pain scale.

*Full bikini – This is also known as a Brazilian bikini wax and it’s the latest, hottest thing in waxes. Seven Brazilian sisters brought this wax to the United States and in a short period of time, this type of wax has overtaken any other bikini wax. In short, it’s a full bikini wax, where only the pubic hair just around the labia is left. Otherwise, you’re bald as an eagle, which might serve you if you wear a thong in the summer or just want to change your life, which is allegedly what Brazilian wax did for Gwyneth Paltrow. This is a full 10 on the pain scale, but many women claim it’s the bomb.

Woman’s Guide to Removing Facial Hair

Many women experience unwanted facial hair and wish to have it removed. It can be due to genetics, age, medication or many women just want it removed for cosmetic reasons, like eyebrow hair. Women experience growth of unwanted facial hair during certain times of their life, such as puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. Regardless, there is a large population of women who want a safe, long lasting, and effective way to remove facial hair.

One way to remove facial hair is through shaving. Although the old wives tale that this will cause the hair it grow back thicker and faster is not true, many woman feel this is too masculine a way to remove facial hair. Plus, it only eliminates the problem for a short amount of time and may irritate sensitive skin.

One of the most common ways for women to remove facial hair is by plucking. They are probably already familiar with this due to plucking their eyebrows with a process. If they see a darker hair on their lip or chin, it is easy enough to pluck out. Plucking the hair removes it longer than shaving, but is still not the permanent solution for which many women are looking. Waxing is similar to plucking, but it can be more painful and is more likely to irritate sensitive skin. The same is true for creams that remove hair plus many of them have a bad smell. There is a skin cream called Vaniqa that decreases facial hair growth, but it is also only temporary and requires a prescription from a doctor.

You can purchase epilators with tweezers at most beauty stores, but the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has stated that that is no statistically significant data to prove that tweezer epilators provide permanent hair removal. It may for some, and not for others. One factor may be the coarseness of your hair.

If you are looking for a method to remove facial hair permanently, try electrolysis. Electrolysis is the process by which facial hair is removed using electrical currents. A trained professional, often referred to as an electrologist or electrolysist, must perform this procedure. They take a metal probe and insert it into an individual hair follicle. The electrical current is then delivered to the follicle, destroying it. One the procedure is complete; the hair is removed with sterile forceps. Each hair follicle must be treated individually. The discomfort of this process varies among clients. Some have reported feeling a slight pinprick and some have reported a more painful feeling. As with many medical procedures, there is a chance of scarring, although it is minimal if you are using a well-trained electrologist. But, immediately after a hair follicle is treated, there may be a small, red lesion, much like an insect bite for a short time.

While electrolysis will permanently remove the hair, it may not be instantaneous. You may have to have several electrolysis treatments to the same hair follicle before the hair is completely removed. This is because your hair cells grow in cycles and electrolysis only works if the hair is in its growth phase. Many electrologists charge by the amount of time it takes to remove the hair. Ten minutes runs about $18 and 30 minutes costs about $34.

Another form of permanent facial hair removal is laser treatments. This is a new technology, only being offered commercially since the mid 1990s. This may also be referred to as phototricholysis or photoepilation. Like electrolysis, this may require several treatments before the hair is removed permanently. The laser light also feels like a pinprick to most patients. However, the laser treatments will not work on blonde, red, or white hairs. It will however work on areas that electrolysis will not, such as the ears and nose. Laser hair treatments for the upper lip normally run about $50 per session as does the chin treatments. If you have facial hair on your cheeks, those treatments are a little more expensive – around $75 per treatment.

If you decide to do electrolysis or laser treatments for your unwanted facial hair, you should always talk to your doctor first about any pre-existing conditions you might have that would make you an unlikely candidate for these treatments.

There is no need to be ashamed of having your unwanted facial hair treated. Do some research on the Internet to find the best way for you to have the hair removed. There is no doubt it will make you feel better about yourself.

Rough Battle To Smoothen Your Dry Hair

Dry hair occurs mainly due to heat, the use of excessive chemicals applied on your hair and also by not taking good care of your hair. Every person’s hair has a certain amount of moisture which preserves your hair and does not let it dry. When certain level of moisture goes down due to many of the common reasons then you have to take special efforts to maintain that moisture. One should keep in mind that excess experiments with your hair can cause problems and lead to dry hair.

Some of the common reason why many face this problem is the excessive washing of your hair. Your hair need not be washed daily as this washes out the nutrients from your hair leaving you ‹high and dry’. So washing is not an appropriate solution for your hair on a daily basis. Use of hot dryers, hot curlers or any of the things you use for stylizing your hair also leads to drying. Swimming in chlorinated water without a head cap makes your hair parched and even drier. By using some of the home based recipes you can make your last longer with a better look.

The use of mild shampoo is one of the initial steps to be taken when you are treating dry hair. Look for shampoos mentioned as ‹dry and damaged› which would work in your favor. The use of conditioner is a must as this helps in preserving the lost nutrients and oil in your hair. This would give a beautiful look to your hair with the extra shine and bounce. Snipping off the end of your hair would help in preventing further damage to your hair. Exposure to sun can also cause dryness. You can use hair sunscreen to protect your hair.

Use of some of the home made ingredients if properly blended can be very helpful. Beer seems to work wonders on your hair. You can spray your hair with beer once you have shampooed your hair. Mayonnaise is also a wonderful ingredient which brings life back to your hair as it is termed as an excellent conditioner.

Hair Loss Cure For Men

Procerin is a natural remedy for hair loss has been found effective in reversing hair loss in men caused by androgenetic alopecia, the most common cause of male hair loss, thinning hair and receding hairlines often reffered to as widows peak. Basiclly men suffering from androgenetic alopecia have extremely high levels of the chemical dihydrotestosterone, a by-product of the major male hormone testosterone, so when this hormone is converted into DHT the results are hair loss and this is where Procerin steps in and blocks the production of DHT and unlike other medications does not with react with testosterone.

Procerin has been scientifically designed to help men retain and regrow their hair. The 17 active ingredients are all-natural herbal, vitamin, and mineral DHT inhibitors and include, Saw Palmetto Berries, Gotu Kola, Nettles, Magnesium, Zinc Sulfate, Siberian Ginseng, Vitamin B-6, Pumpkin Seed Meal, CJ-11 Factor, CJ-9 Factor, and Mura Puma Root, because the Procerin hair loss product for men contains only natural ingredients the only known side effects are mild stomach discomfort for the first few days, if you are suffering an illness it is wise to consult your doctor before use especilly if you are currently taking a MAOI inhibitor.

Studys have shown that Procerin is more effective as a natural hair loss remedy in men aged between 18-35 and those whose hair is still in a growth phase. Men that still have growing hair experience an increase in hair count, and improvement in both hairline and thinning at the crown of their head, becuase hair grows at an extremely slow rate ( about 1″ every two months) it best to take Procerin for at 1-2 months before results can be expected, but some users of Procerin have reported good results after only 2 weeks, most men take 1-3 months before before significant increases in hair count occur, not bad comparing to Propecia that can take upto 6 months for good hair growth results.

So does Procerin work? Procerin has had many good results with many success storys and the companys boasts that Procerin the natural hair loss remedy works with 92% of men who suffer androgenetic alopecia the most common cause of hair loss plus Procerin is a cost effective alternative to other hair loss products like Propecia & Rogaine and unlike prescription medication Procerin is backed by a 90-Day Unconditional, No questions asked Money Back Guarantee so you have nothing to lose except your hair of course.

Guide to Hair Extension Salons

It can be difficult to find a hair extension stylist near you, and you don’t always have the time to drive hours to get your hair done. Luckily, several online resources are available to help.

Here is a helpful, condensed list:

The Hair Extension Salon Locator

This site lists hair extension salons by state. It also features articles on the care of hair extensions and hair loss information. Additionally, they have supplies and training resources.


This is the website for the HairBonz hair extension system. You can call 1-888-693-HAIR to find a listing of hair extension salons using the HairBonz system.

Hair Boutique

This informative site has links to hair extension salons. Unfortunately, the information is listed alphabetically and cannot be searched by city or state. However, if you have the patience to scan the listings you just might find a local salon.

Black Beauty Care Directory

This site is specifically for African-American beauty concerns, and lists salons that cater to African hair. Information is categorized by state for easy access.

Another way to find a local hair extension salon is to type “Houston hair extension salons” or “hair extensive salons near Houston” in a search engine. Of course, use your own city name in place of Houston!

You can also use your Yellow Pages to find hair extension salons.

One of the best ways to find a top-quality salon is by word of mouth. If a friend or family member has beautiful extensions, ask for a reference.

No matter where you located your hair extension salon, make sure that your stylist is qualified to apply the extensions. He or she should be a licensed cosmetologist with ample experience in applying the type of extensions you are considering. Many experts recommend that you meet some of the stylist’s other clients and find out if they are happy with their extensions. At the very least, ask to see a portfolio with before and after pictures.